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For DID we have the advantage
Safe and reliable
Freedom and equality
Personalize your unique DID, showcase your extensive battle records, amplify KOL/guild/brand influence for a strong sense of belonging, and seamlessly integrate gaming and social data for cross-chain asset circulation and immersive social interactions
Our Advantages
Data Empower
In partnership with BNB Greenfield, we introduce cross-chain game data storage, empowering users to reclaim ownership of their data, safeguard data privacy, and gain complete control over the accessibility and monetization of their personal data
Leisure Bliss
Immerse yourself in a world of exploration, competition, and evolution, where you can effortlessly earn rewards and collect valuable resources in no time
NFT Collection
Discover and cultivate a myriad of rich legendary skins, while engaging in profitable trades with fellow players to unlock abundant rewards and unleash your prosperity
Global PVP
Embark on a thrilling journey in our global server, where players worldwide engage in epic battles, challenge skilled adversaries, showcase their prowess, and strive to conquer the realm
How to play
In this addictive game, you'll need to control a snake and make it grow by devouring food. Maneuver the snake's head, avoid obstacles and your own tail, and strive to become the longest snake while competing against other players.